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Full Body Cardio

An energetic mix of strengthening exercises and intense cardio that will help you quickly get back in shape and burn unnecessary kilograms. During training, you will engage your entire body and fight for the results you want. If you want to train hard and have fun, this program is just for you.

The program is intended for both beginners and advanced users. Properly selected exercises are arranged in patterns of 30 seconds of active work and 10 seconds of break. This interval firecracker, which will strengthen your body and guarantee impeccable condition, will improve efficiency, strength and vitality in a nutshell.

Duration time: 50 min

Our Phylosophy

All begins from motion


Everything begins with physical activity. Discover with us your favorite forms of physical activity and take care of your fitness every day.


When we are physically active we function better in every aspect of our lives. Take care of yourself, enjoy a moment, fulfill your dreams and yourself.


Realize your passions and meet new people. Share your good energy with them, inspire them, help them and motivate to realize their goals.